Rape Crisis - Responding to sexual violence
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Rape Crisis centres have provided the most effective and valued source of support for survivors of rape in Britain ever since the centres were developed as part of the women's movement of the 1970's. Yet now, at the same time as Britain is failing survivors of rape in the courts, there is also a threat to the work delivered through the centres.
For anyone who wants to understand how we reached this point of crisis, or who ants to be able to respond, this book helpfully provides:
- an understanding of the strengths that these centres can add to how we respond to rape in our society
- an explanation of the knowledge, ideas and skills that comprise the centres' unique model of support
- an account of the rape crises movements' struggles in starting and sustaining the centres
- A permanent record of the philosophies and ideas that underpinned the founding of the original centres, and a history of how they have changed and evolved over 30 years
Too few people know about the centres or how they are run. This book documents the work and story of Rape Crisis in England and Wales, drawing comparisons with similar centres and networks in Scotland and Ireland. It provides the reader, whether an interested individual, a student or academic, a professional or voluntary worker, with a flavour of the original Rape Crisis work, and assesses it's actual and potential value, here and now.
Practical ideas for ways forward, which often mean learning the tools of survival during the current times of change, are presented, and can help ensure that there will be Rape Crisis centres for as long as there are women who need the specialist support that they offer.